Monday, November 30, 2020

So near... and now so far! : A note to module 2's

 Tonight we had...dare I say it....  amusing module 3 Skype! Yes...people actually laughed..a lot! With only 10 days left 😮

Tonights Skype session was genuinely a lovely environment. Its amazing how much we've all got to know each other despite never meeting in person! Everyone talked about their artefact and their enquiry and how much they had learnt and how creative ther are being with their artefact..And even how all our discoveries interlap..

This feeling of elation lasted all of 10 minutes for me 🙃. Honestly this module is soooo deceiving! You see the light at the end if the tunnel, you can almost touch it.. and then BANG, some giant lory has crashed in front of you and your not even sure what light even looks like any more!

But really I genuinely feel so out of my depth. I don't think my brain has the capability of understanding the complexity of any of my topics any more, every time you think you find something, the rug gets pulled from underneath you. This is me right now. I've been rewriting my lit review and suddenly every quote actually means something completely different and therefore my entire analysis is flawed. Absolute midnight meltdown going on. Also I'm so grateful for my mum. She's not been massively involved in my inquiry...but she's there when I'm most confused... apart from right now..  in my midnight meltdown ahhh. 

But to module 2s out there my note is... hold on, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel! I hope you experience a similar vibed skype, as we did today as it was a real collective moment even if short lived...

And to myself... keep believing that before the biggest breakthroughs you face the darkest moments...and this is one of them... and the light will return .... please 🙏

Sunday, November 15, 2020

2.45 am with 111 online tabs

Its 2:45am... 

I'm blogging...

 and I currently have 64 google tabs open and another 47 firefox tabs. 

I will never underestimate the power of my broadband again.

Module three you are testing me. My blogging commitment is still something to be desired but i'm trying. I don't have a big update on where I'm at -I have made big progress but - I think my brain is as scattered as my 111 google tabs!

I can, however, offer an observations to keep you going-

Today I read an article. I used it to inform some writing within my inquiry. 

Then, within the space of a few hours I managed to select, comprehend, and advance my inquiry Word Glossary.. YAY! (yes i'm actually doing a word glossary... Why?...) 

... well.. I then reread the article I had used, to find a complete different meaning to what I had originally comprehended and subsequently implied due to my new and solidified definitions of technical jargon..... back to square one.... that is the power of language. #knowyourjargon

I am supporting myself through this with the idea 'knowledge is not how much you know, it's knowing how much you don't know.'

It is now 3:22 am.. but this was worth watching! Anyone who's confused by ethical considerations and privilege, this might help in an amusing but truthful way.

Goodnight friends!

Sleep well..

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Long Time - long progress

 I've fallen behind on my blogs again but at least this time it is not for lack of wanting to, but because I have actually been making so much more progress than I even thought possible!

I still have no idea if what I've done in module 3 so far is correct but honestly... and I never thought I'd say this.... I am seeing the world in a completely different way 🤯

Did you know, in a study of brain activity, when interpreting body language, women were shown to engage 15 different areas of the brain, where as men only engaged 5 areas! 

Did you know more than 2% of the population are intersex? Meaning they have genitals or internal organs that fall outside of the male/female bracket! 

I never understood birthdays, I always thought that 'I didn't do anything to be born, my parents were the ones who achieved, They went through childbirth' until one day I was on the train to work at 5:30am, watching the sun rise and I realised I will have orbited the sun 25 times this year.... that's something worth celebrating! 

My mind is in overdrive right now. I can't do or watch anything without analysing it and I'm rather loving it. 

Not a fan of lockdown 2 tho. My financial stress levels are through the roof and this one seems much more emotionally damaging.

Please watch out for all the elderly out there, the thought of them spending Christmas alone is eating me up from the inside. Everyone needs support. Stay safe. Stay well. 

Transitioning Into the Unknown

So what's next? Honestly I have spent the majority of January feeling completely lost and wondering what to do. I have completed a 50 mi...