Sunday, November 1, 2020

Long Time - long progress

 I've fallen behind on my blogs again but at least this time it is not for lack of wanting to, but because I have actually been making so much more progress than I even thought possible!

I still have no idea if what I've done in module 3 so far is correct but honestly... and I never thought I'd say this.... I am seeing the world in a completely different way 🤯

Did you know, in a study of brain activity, when interpreting body language, women were shown to engage 15 different areas of the brain, where as men only engaged 5 areas! 

Did you know more than 2% of the population are intersex? Meaning they have genitals or internal organs that fall outside of the male/female bracket! 

I never understood birthdays, I always thought that 'I didn't do anything to be born, my parents were the ones who achieved, They went through childbirth' until one day I was on the train to work at 5:30am, watching the sun rise and I realised I will have orbited the sun 25 times this year.... that's something worth celebrating! 

My mind is in overdrive right now. I can't do or watch anything without analysing it and I'm rather loving it. 

Not a fan of lockdown 2 tho. My financial stress levels are through the roof and this one seems much more emotionally damaging.

Please watch out for all the elderly out there, the thought of them spending Christmas alone is eating me up from the inside. Everyone needs support. Stay safe. Stay well. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorien,
    It is really interesting to hear how you have started to analyse everything going on- I think its a really good thing to start seeing things from different perspectives. It sounds like you have made so much progress with everything which is amazing- I'm excited to what I will find when I start my research next module. Sending you lots of positive energy to help with lockdown 2
    Alys :) xx


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