Sunday, March 29, 2020

Quarantine week 1

Well we've got through the first week of quarantine and all I can say... sunday boredom is painful!

I've got a lot of uni stuff done although I really thought I'd have loads of time in this lockdown and so far my list of things to do has just got longer and longer! ...Loving all the live stream dance classes though, although I can't see the enthusiasm lasting more than a couple of months.

Knowing that this could go on for such a long time makes me wonder whether it's worth getting a 'normal' job for a year just to pay the Bills. Considering applying for the NEC nightingale. Its front line but I'd like to do more to help anyway? Don't want to risk my family tho. Tough decisions.

I watch the daily briefings every day and the 10pm news every night, people say it's bad for your mental health but I find knowing the statistics strangely calming.  Not knowing seems much worse... ironic when this BAPP course seems to be wholly based on 'not knowing' and dealing with it! This came up in the Module 3 skype this week.

Not a lot to update on the course however much I've got done. I think my approach it to try and get it 'complete' so I can keep adding more detail after and have time to focus on reading for the literature review in Mod 3.

Also worried that Mod 3 will come just as this situation is starting to change and we will all have to go into life as fast as we can to try and find stability again and wont have time for the 3rd module.

Above all of this I'm sad for the world. I'm in good spirit but the sad is like an ache that sits there in the background and doesn't leave. I'm extremely sad for Italy. That upsets me most for now but I know things will get worse here too soon. America looks like a dangerous place and Spain isnt coping either. All of the lonely isolated deaths breaks my heart and I cannot help but think of the doctors and nurses every night who have had to see death after death all day. Did anyone watch scrubs? Remember that episode where Dr cox lost all his patients for the day... this reminds me of that, but on a mass scale. I dont know how they are coping. They are Heroes.

And so are the unmentioned workers  supporting the front line workers. The ones that never knew they were vital until they were told they still need to go to work through this. My parents included. And the abuse they get from people who don't understand how they help, it's unfair. Spread love not hate!


  1. Hey Lorien! Thank you for this post - I have found I have been feeling the very same way. I'm stuck between the place of needing to be informed of the situation and facing reality and feeling very overloaded by the news and wanting to bury my head in the sand! I hope that this Covid situation doesn't affect your Module 3 experience too much and that you are still able to carry out your study.

  2. What a touching post. It is heart-breaking, and has taken the World Health Organisation, governements and the citizens by surprise. You could volunteer for NEC Nightingale, are you based in London? I have heard that some landlords are allowing front line workers to stay in flats/houses free of rent. That may be an option for you? I have put in my forms the option of Skype interviews for all participants, dependant on Covid-19 circumstances. Let's hope it doesn't affect our final module! Stay safe x

    1. Hey Serina, thanks for this reply. I'm actually currently trying to get into the NEC Nitingale as I'm Midlands based but they have done it differently to the london one which has much more info about getting involved. Hopefully I'll hear back soon tho. Thankyou. You too, stay safe xx


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