Monday, September 30, 2019

Self Practice (1)

So i'm really trying to blog at least once a week.. I keep telling myself it's because it's what’s required and it'll help me in the future... But in reality, I think it’s because in ‘completing’ a blog I feel like I've achieved something in yet another week of sifting through blogs and handbooks still trying to understand what on earth I'm meant to be doing!  

This week I’m struggling with the concept of ‘My practice’. I’ve read a number of blogs, mostly from previous students (again trying to find some clues even though I know the course is not about finding answers!) anyway, I’ve come across a lot of posts where people are discussing their ‘Practice’.

So I originally wrote a really long post here about fitting into a ‘category’ and ‘where do I belong?’ and how I got to where I am ‘now’ but It waffled on and on and just went round in depressing circles of ‘I don’t fit here and I don’t fit there, I’m not good enough blah blah.’ So I’ve changed the question, here goes…

Is fitting into a ‘category’ a final destination?

I can Act, I can sing and I can dance all to varying levels. But if I can already call myself an ‘Actor’ a ‘Dancer’ or a ‘singer’ haven’t you already made it? Is it a state of mind or is it a title associated with your income/profession?

-You work in a reception therefore you’re a receptionist; you work in a library therefore you’re a librarian? I’m employed to act at the minute therefore I’m an actress?..... But what about when I’m not employed, am I still an actress? Because realistically I spend more time unemployed as an Actor than I do employed as an Actor?

And then you’ve got all the other ‘bits’… I play the saxophone…I just about play the flute!... I am about to become a qualified gym instructor and a Zumba instructor… I sell my art work (again am I then an artist?) These things don’t necessarily fit category’s but they all count. But if you don’t fit a category are you a Jack of all trades but master of none?’ 

I don’t really know where I’m going with this! I just ended up typing, but I’m about to have my first skype session. It’s Module one focus- ‘Seeing your self-practice’ so maybe this will help me move forward and it’s a great opportunity to discuss this further.

If anyone has any other theories or ideas about self-practice that they want to throw in please do so. I’m desperate to hear someone else’s take on this?


  1. Hi Lorien, I feel exactly the same - a bit baffled and searching for clues! I am finding the concept of ‘my practice’ difficult to pin down. I have been looking at it both in terms of HOW I go about my practice (so in my case, the way in which I might teach a class) and also in terms of WHAT I am delivering/doing (the content of the session). But I think there’s also the idea of WHO your practice is aimed at or for? I totally agree that it’s not necessarily about fitting into a single category. Maybe it’s just a case of identifying different categories (so for example community work, work for a stage, using music, using movement, etc) and working out which you see as belonging within what you do, and to what extent?
    It would be great to hear your thoughts about all of this having now had the Skype! Do you feel any clearer?

    1. Hi Ione, thanks for commenting! After yesterdays Skype i'm not sure I find it any clearer, well I don't necessarily feel you have to fit one category any more so I suppose that is clearer, but I would say i'm now considering it as much larger, with all things to consider that were thrown into the Skype. But i'm definitely trying to get my head around whats needed in the essay because I now view 'my practice' as heavily intertwined with Web 2.0, networking. The concept of the learning cycle I also consider to be a huge part of 'my practice' as whether its a conscious decision or not that is hugely influencing how you deliver your lessons for example, or how you might approach a script or choreography etc. I'm about to blog about yesterdays Skype so maybe writing it will help de-tangle some bits!

  2. Hi Lorien,
    it was lovely to speak to you the other night on the student Skype.
    I wanted to look back and see what blogs the module 3 students did on their first modules and how they help, as like you have said in the first part, it feels like you are doing something when you get a blog done and completed a task... but in the long run how much do these blogs help?
    After a get a blog up I do feel a little less feeling of guilt that ive not been completely lazy but its the essay and the reading that I should really be focusing on right? Do you have any tips for the essay in module 1? I think ive got the 3 areas of learning now, and I know what the lenses are.... but its just the putting together? x hope M3 is going well x

    1. Hey Claire, yes it was lovely to speak to you over the weekend. Something we never used to do so it's really nice to have that going now.
      I find the blogs really hard because I get far too focused on writing something meaningful and by the time iv'e finished, I'm out of time to do any uni work! So my biggest advice with the blogs would be to keep them short and maybe use them a bit like that writing task we did in the 'writing skype' the other day? Did you attend? If not it's a good way to just get started with some writing. I also really struggle to get round to commenting on other peoples.
      I did find reading blogs useful in Mod 1 to get an idea of what's coming up in the course, but again time management is hard and I would always take too long haha.
      Honestly when I was at this point in module one I still hadn't got my head around the handbook theories and was really struggling, I think your group of Mod1's are really proactive and ahead of the game which is great. In terms of the essay I found it much easier once I'd decided on a structure, eg, intro, 3xfocus points, conclusion, so even when I didn't know what my 3rd point was, I could focus on the bits around it. I would also say keep researching, bring something slightly new to the theories in the handbook, like they should always relate but find some different perspectives or different ways to apply the theories to your practise instead of just regurgitating whats given in the handbook.
      Not sure that's a massive help but I hope it is. Shout if there's any more I can help with.
      Thankyou, M3 is a much nicer unit but im soo behind ahhh xx


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